the results of this scene create by the Unity 3D - Demo team, that I was able to contribute as a external Artist, Processing and creating a couple walls and wood frame assets that were used along with other assets created by the team, in the assembly of the scene.
The image sets were shot by my buddy Pat Goodwin, currently part of the Unity 3D Demo team.
Thanks for the invite Pat! Looking forward to see what you will and the team will do next.
Blog Post Link:

Unity 3D – Artomatix Reveal Featured Art


“Advances in technology and the elevated expectations of today’s consumers continue to propel the demand for next-level content. The considerable cost of producing high-quality, ultra-realistic artwork at a faster rate is a harsh reality for creators across many industries, including games, film, television, automotive, architecture, and more. The finite amount of creators and time available to design adds another layer of challenges. AI-assisted artistry solves the hard problem of producing and scaling high-quality content, giving 3D artists more time to focus on creativity.”


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